What API calls are available for Argovis?

The Argovis Swagger page is under development, but most of the API call notation is documented here. This documentation gives instructions on how to create the URL used to access the Argovis database and is applicable to all programming languanges and browsers. The Swagger documentation is interactive and can access Argovis via the desired API call and shows the returned JSON data. The calls documented on the Swagger page are used in the example scripts on the Argovis GitHub Repository.

What are some examples using Argovis APIs?

There are several well developed examples in the example gallery of accessing Argo profile data and metadata from Argovis and creating plots. As more examples are developed, they will be added here.

Having trouble using an Argovis API?

There is a hard limit of 16mb that can be downloaded at a time, so if no data are returned for a region and time selection, please try reducing the size of the download. This can be done by reducing the region or the time period and then looping over several regions or time periods.

If that is not the issue, try looking through the API related FAQs or contact us with your questions. We are happy to help.